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Caretakers of the past, stewards of the future.


Historic Photos of Central

There are several organizations in the Keweenaw that have collections of historic Copper Country photos, including the Keweenaw National Historical Park, Michigan Technological University Archives – Copper Country Historical Collection, The Keweenaw County Historical Society, Houghton County Historical Society, etc. It is not unusual to see the same historic image in several different collections. Except where noted the following images are from the KCHS archives. Some are noted as belonging to the MTU- Copper Country Historical Collection. None of these images may be used for any purpose without explicit permission from the organization that manages that image.

This is a photo album of some historic photos of Central. Click on any of the photos to see a larger image with a caption for the image. Use the arrows that will appear on the screen next to the images to move through the album.

<< All album photos 10/20 photos
Classic overview of Central ca 1896 (KCHS)


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