Resources for Historians and History Buffs
Certain pages of the KCHS website have listed web sites that have content related to that specific page. Here are some additional links related to the mission of the Keweenaw County Historical Society. Memberships & Affiliations Related Links
Advice for Genealogists Are you looking for genealogical Information about your family? Each week the Keweenaw County Historical Society receives requests via our website for help in locating information concerning someone’s family genealogy. Unfortunately the Keweenaw County Historical Society Archives have no records that are helpful to genealogists. We have no employment records, birth or death records, tax records, etc. Also, the church records for most of our local historic churches, including the churches in Phoenix and Central, are missing. However we work with several other organizations in the area that have helped individuals in the past. Some of these provide the materials and you must do the research while others also have a list of local researchers who will do the research for a fee. Here is a summary of some of the organizations: The J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library, University Archives and Historical Collections, (commonly known as The MTU Archives), The Archives of the Keweenaw National Historical Park, The Archives of Finlandia University, located at the Finish American Heritage Center, As for Keweenaw County tax records, some of the records are in the County Court House in Eagle River and some are in the Archives at Michigan Tech. We hope that helps you on your quest. Updated 10/9/2023 | All sites are open except Bammert Blacksmith Shop which is being renovated.