Become a KCHS VolunteerWe Need You! The Keweenaw County Historical Society, KCHS, is a volunteer organization. Our success is almost entirely attributable to the men and women who volunteer their talents and time in the interest of preserving and sharing the exciting history of the Keweenaw. Some of our volunteers are permanent residents of the area, but many are seasonal residents and vacationers. All are captivated by the richness and diversity of the Copper Country history and enjoy joining with others who share their historical interest. We find being a Society volunteer to be a great opportunity to both learn more about our history as well as taking pleasure in the knowledge that we are engaged in something of great worth. Please join us! Our volunteer opportunities We have many different ways in which you can serve the KCHS and enjoy bringing the history of the Keweenaw to others:
If you are interested in serving as a volunteer in any capacity, or want to learn more about what’s involved, please The volunteer cleaning crew at Central Summer 2022. Photo by Karen Hintz
| All sites are open except Bammert Blacksmith Shop which is being renovated.